Want to make a complaint, or looking for an Advocate to talk to us?
We are here to help.
How you can make a complaint
It is okay to tell us that you are not happy or tell us when you are upset about:
- Our team
- What activities you do
- Sensational Kids SA as a whole
We are here to help.
You can tell us in person.
You can phone or email us.
You can ask someone you trust to help you tell us that you are not happy.
We will try and fix the problem straight away. Sometimes we might need time to fix things, and if we do we will tell you how long it will take to fix the problem.
If you are an NDIS Participant, you can also contact the NDIS Commission on 1800 035 544 or visit their website www.ndiscommission.com.au.
Would you like an Advocate when working with us?
An advocate is a person who will listen to you and help you make decisions about the support and services you receive. They will speak up on your behalf when choices are being discussed and make sure we understand your needs and respect your rights.
You can ask anyone you trust to be your advocate, this may include a family member or a friend. You may want someone independent, from a formal advocacy service.
If you are not sure who to choose to be your advocate, talk to us.
Advocacy Agencies:
Further Information:
How we manage complaints
What to do if you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint
What is an Advocate?
How we work with Advocates
Download your Welcome Pack
We invite and encourage you to download your Welcome Pack which provides you with information on making a complaint, advocacy services, your rights and responsibilities and how we handle your information.
Download Welcome Pack